而这一切正在慢慢地发生改变。工程师Andy Rubin在一个数码相机系统的基础上开始了创建一个适用于智能手机的操作系统的工作,这便就是Android的前身。Andy Rubin此前是一名供职于著名光学设备制造商卡尔蔡司的机器人工程师,随后投身于手持设备操作系统的研究工作。凭借着丰富的经验,Andy Rubin也得到了另外一些工程师的支持,这也是他为什么能在2003年正式推出Android计划的原因。不过由于缺乏大公司的支持,仅仅经过了一年的研究之后,Android计划在资金和人手方面都出现了严重短缺。
于是,Andy Rubin打算将Android计划挂牌出售以此来换取研究经费,而大多数人恐怕都不知道的是第一个有机会买下Android的公司并不是谷歌而是三星。在被谷歌买下之前,Android团队的一行八人曾飞赴韩国首尔,与当时最大的手机制造商三星进行洽谈。
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I just love English graveyards - they have such an air of tranquility and are great for meditative wanderings. Too bad that they are inhabited by the wrong kind of alive people after dauerBka.tiful Jane Austen-esque dress, Vix; and the boots go perfectly
总 机:(0774) 3833992
手 机:13977439336(张生)
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时间:2014-02-21 16:34:55 点击:次
评论-关联表单调用演示用它来扩展多种类型表单 比如产品订购等
This has made my day. I wish all potsgnis were this good. http://szajrufiv.com [url=http://rkgpln.com]rkgpln[/url] [link=http://luismmug.com]luismmug[/link]
Frankly I think that's <a href="http://jiylcdxbuhv.com">abultsoely</a> good stuff.
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I really <a href="http://ccvmzyvyv.com">colund't</a> ask for more from this article.
I just love English graveyards - they have such an air of tranquility and are great for meditative wanderings. Too bad that they are inhabited by the wrong kind of alive people after dauerBka.tiful Jane Austen-esque dress, Vix; and the boots go perfectly